University of Matej Bel

Process of EU Enlargement in the 21st century : New challenges / University of Matej Bel - Fatih University Istanbul - Banska Bystrica 2005 - 297 pages. : 26 cm - Scientific Script, Vol. 7. .

Preface -- Ideas about Europe -- Theories of European integration -- The first European Community, the European Steel and Coal Community -- The European defence community and the European political community : crisis in the process -- The Treaty of Rome : EEC and euratom 1957 -- The common trade policy -- The common agricultural policy -- De Gaulle and European integration -- The British position towards European integration : a different economic approach -- The enlargement to Greece and the case of Greenland -- The accession of Spain and Portugal -- Thatcher and the EU -- The single European act -- The European Commission -- The European Parliament -- The European Council and the Council of the EU -- Other institutions -- Enlargement to Sweden, Austria, and Finland -- The treaties of Maastricht, Amsterdam, and Nice -- Helmut Kohl and the European union -- European Union law -- European budget -- Regional policy -- The enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe -- Treaty of lisbon -- Future enlargements of the eu and limits of the union -- European identity -- The monetary union and the current crisis of the euro -- Social Europe -- Environmental protection -- Transport policy -- Energy policy -- External influence of the EU and common foreign and security policy -- The future of the European Union -- Index.


European Union--History.

Europe--Economic integration.
European Union countries--Politics and government.

JN30 / .M44 2005


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