Andreae, Giles
The Thanking You Sharks / World of Happy - - Egmont 2011 -
The Thanking You Sharks The GREEDY sharks swam swiftly through the water, consuming every little fish that came their way. And after each sweet morsel, these sharks would BELCH as loudly as could be. But then one shark declared, "I don't mean to cause TROUBLE but what if, after every meal, we all said THANKING YOU instead." And so begins a story about GOOD MANNERS � a joyous little treasure for the whole family to share. World of Happy . . . because life is FUN! Giles Andreae�s World of Happy series is more joyful and anarchic than anything you have ever read before. The Thanking You Sharks contains the same playful, quirky sense of humour that made Purple Ronnie and Edward Monkton global brands.
The Thanking You Sharks / World of Happy - - Egmont 2011 -
The Thanking You Sharks The GREEDY sharks swam swiftly through the water, consuming every little fish that came their way. And after each sweet morsel, these sharks would BELCH as loudly as could be. But then one shark declared, "I don't mean to cause TROUBLE but what if, after every meal, we all said THANKING YOU instead." And so begins a story about GOOD MANNERS � a joyous little treasure for the whole family to share. World of Happy . . . because life is FUN! Giles Andreae�s World of Happy series is more joyful and anarchic than anything you have ever read before. The Thanking You Sharks contains the same playful, quirky sense of humour that made Purple Ronnie and Edward Monkton global brands.