Literature and psychoanalysis : the question of reading, otherwise /
special editor, Shoshana Felman.
- [New Haven] : Yale French Studies, c1977.
- 507 p. ; 23 cm.
- Yale French studies ; no. 55/56 0044-0078 .
The practice of readings: psychoanalysis with literature: Lacan, J. Desire and the interpretation of desire in Hamlet. Sibony, D. Hamlet: a writing-effect.--The practice of reading: literature with psychoanalysis: Felman, S. Turning the screw of interpretation. Spivak, G. C. The letter as cutting edge. Dragnoetti, R. The double play of Arnaut Daniel's Sestina and Dante's Divina commedia. Méla, C. Percival. Brooks, P. Freud's masterplot.--The practice of writing and psychoanalysis: Rey, J.-M. Freud's writing on writing. Sollers, P. Freud's hand.--The status of theoretical discourse: philosophy, psychoanalysis, literature: Jameson, F. Imaginary and symbolic in Lacan. Brenkman, J. The other and the one. Johnson, B. The frame of reference: Poe, Lacan, Derrida.
Psychoanalysis and literature.
DC1 / .Y3 no. 55/56
DC 1 PN56 .P92
The practice of readings: psychoanalysis with literature: Lacan, J. Desire and the interpretation of desire in Hamlet. Sibony, D. Hamlet: a writing-effect.--The practice of reading: literature with psychoanalysis: Felman, S. Turning the screw of interpretation. Spivak, G. C. The letter as cutting edge. Dragnoetti, R. The double play of Arnaut Daniel's Sestina and Dante's Divina commedia. Méla, C. Percival. Brooks, P. Freud's masterplot.--The practice of writing and psychoanalysis: Rey, J.-M. Freud's writing on writing. Sollers, P. Freud's hand.--The status of theoretical discourse: philosophy, psychoanalysis, literature: Jameson, F. Imaginary and symbolic in Lacan. Brenkman, J. The other and the one. Johnson, B. The frame of reference: Poe, Lacan, Derrida.
Psychoanalysis and literature.
DC1 / .Y3 no. 55/56
DC 1 PN56 .P92