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The Lastling

by Gross, Philip.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Oxford University Press 2006Edition: .Description: 230 pages.ISBN: 0198326351.Subject(s): -- | -- | --
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Memorial International School of Tirana

Paris is thrilled when her Uncle Franklin decides to take her on his trip to the Himalayas. Franklin's influence gets them into places where tourists are not allowed, even into the forbidden war-zone, deep in the forest, to look for exotic and endangered species. Franklin is a man with a vision, something dark and strange, but just how strange, Paris is about to find out... Themes: Madness, exploration, hunting, culture clash. Teaching Focus: * Humorous, sharp language of Black American teen culture * Engaging, lively first person narrative, creating empathy with character * Diary extracts add a sub-plot * Sympathetic treatment of sensitive themes Recommended for students in Years 8 and 9

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